Discover your preferred style through our interactive game
Understanding your preferred style through our Insights Discovery model
What is your style?
Discover yourself (and your difficult person)
The colour energy personality quiz will point you in the direction of your preferred working style. It will also indicate what your “opposite type” might be – the type you may have more difficulty connecting with, unless you adapt your style.
To complete the working styles quiz, pick one card that you feel is most like you and one that is least like you
when you’re in your working environment.

Based on the psychology of Carl Jung and through the eyes of the Insights Discovery© colour lens, your preferred style could be described as the

People may see you as cautious, disciplined, painstaking and exact in your work. You may be gifted in tasks that require both accuracy and attention to detail, and have a highly-honed ability to resolve complex issues.
You may find it more difficult to communicate with the

Tips for better communication
Make every effort to be lively and allow them the space to talk around a subject.
Based on the psychology of Carl Jung and through the eyes of the Insights Discovery© colour lens, your preferred style could be described as the

You may have a drive for correctness, with a leaning towards perfection. Others might see you as highly self-disciplined and dedicated, tending to operate with clarity and focus.
You may find it more difficult to communicate with the

Tips for better communication
Consider my feelings and use a softer tone when talking to me.
Based on the psychology of Carl Jung and through the eyes of the Insights Discovery© colour lens, your preferred style could be described as the

People may see your strength as being conscientious and diligent at all times, making sure you see projects through to completion. You can often be relied on to do the right thing, covering all the pertinent details and being fully attentive to everything that has been asked of you.
You may find it more difficult to communicate with the

Tips for better communication
Be proactive and use your initiative, it would help if you considered the end goal first rather than the detail of the journey.
Based on the psychology of Carl Jung and through the eyes of the Insights Discovery© colour lens, your preferred style could be described as the

You can typically bring enthusiasm and energy to most activities, and are able to brighten any dull task using your passion and persuasiveness. Sociable and keen to involve people, the opinions of others are usually important to you.
You may find it more difficult to communicate with the

Tips for better communication
Slow down and get to the point, take a breath between sentences and allow time for them to digest the information.
Based on the psychology of Carl Jung and through the eyes of the Insights Discovery© colour lens, your preferred style could be described as the

People may see you as enthusiastic and adventurous, always keen to explore and experiment with something new. You may find it easy to embrace change and to see the potential in all things. You can be a good team player, and love to be in the thick of the action.
You may find it more difficult to communicate with the

Tips for better communication
Take time to ask about them, don’t push them to make a decision or bombard them with information.
Based on the psychology of Carl Jung and through the eyes of the Insights Discovery© colour lens, your preferred style could be described as the

People may see you as casual and personable, typically enjoying good relations with others, particularly once a relationship is built. Apprehensive about conflict, you may be able to detect contentious issues well ahead of others, especially when a disagreement is about to erupt.
You may find it more difficult to communicate with the

Tips for better communication
Prepare what it is you want to say before saying it and be specific in facts whilst avoiding feelings.
Based on the psychology of Carl Jung and through the eyes of the Insights Discovery© colour lens, your preferred style could be described as the

People may see you as casual and personable, typically enjoying good relations with others, particularly once a relationship is built. Apprehensive about conflict, you may be able to detect contentious issues well ahead of others, especially when a disagreement is about to erupt.
You may find it more difficult to communicate with the

Tips for better communication
Prepare what it is you want to say before saying it and be specific in facts whilst avoiding feelings.
Based on the psychology of Carl Jung and through the eyes of the Insights Discovery© colour lens, your preferred style could be described as the

Tips for better communication
People may see you as conscientious and diligent at all times, with a focus on seeing projects through to completion. You can often be relied on to do the right thing, covering all the pertinent details and being fully attentive to everything that has been asked of you.
You may find it more difficult to communicate with the

People may see you as enthusiastic and adventurous, always keen to explore and experiment with something new. You may find it easy to embrace change and to see the potential in all things. You can be a good team player, and love to be in the thick of the action.
Based on the psychology of Carl Jung and through the eyes of the Insights Discovery© colour lens, your preferred style could be described as the

People may see you as amenable, patient and co-operative. You may tend to avoid building relationships with a wide group of associates in the work environment, preferring to build a small number of close connections.
You may find it more difficult to communicate with the

Tips for better communication
Make every effort to be lively and allow them the space to talk around a subject.
Based on the psychology of Carl Jung and through the eyes of the Insights Discovery© colour lens, your preferred style could be described as the

People may see you as enthusiastic and adventurous, always keen to explore and experiment with something new. You may find it easy to embrace change and to see the potential in all things. You can be a good team player, and love to be in the thick of the action.
You may find it more difficult to communicate with the

Tips for better communication
Take time to ask about them, don’t push them to make a decision or bombard them with information.
Based on the psychology of Carl Jung and through the eyes of the Insights Discovery© colour lens, your preferred style could be described as the

You may have a drive for correctness, with a leaning towards perfection. Others might see you as highly self-disciplined and dedicated, tending to operate with clarity and focus.
You may find it more difficult to communicate with the

Tips for better communication
Consider my feelings and use a softer tone when talking to me.
Based on the psychology of Carl Jung and through the eyes of the Insights Discovery© colour lens, your preferred style could be described as the

People may see you as the classic entrepreneur, always determined in your drive towards success. You are rarely still for long, preferring to be focused on a task and eager to see the results of your efforts.
You may find it more difficult to communicate with the

Tips for better communication
Ask them rather than tell them, the Supporter appreciates consultation rather than instruction.

Your Insights Discovery Wheel Explained
This brief summary of your personal style is based upon the theory of personality outlined by Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung in 1921. His work on psychological types has informed much of the research into personality types and working styles since then and continues to have a strong influence on psychometric profiling, including our Insights Discovery model.
Given the complexity of human behaviour, models of personality seek to simplify who we are into easily recognised psychological types. While much of the uniqueness of human beings is inevitably impossible to grasp, these definitions provided to us by the colour personality quiz gives an excellent framework and language which can help us understand why we behave the way we do and how different types can both clash with and complement one another.
The phrase we most often hear when people read their personal profile after completing the Insights Discovery model is “Scarily accurate!”, and we’re confident you’ll find more than enough information in there to help give your personal and professional development a boost.