Insights Discovery

We’ve got the answers


About Insights Discovery

A culture of engagement, respect and high expectations achieves better results. We create vibrant workplaces in which all your people feel valued and get heard. Communication is honest and clear, decision-making timely and robust, and authentic leadership filters throughout the organisation. Find out more about Insights Discovery and how our leading products can transform your business.
Using your Insights Discovery Profile
How much does the Insights Discovery test cost?

The Insights Discovery test is used to support one-to-one coaching and in team and leadership workshops. The cost per profile is relevant to the chapters you chose and the format the feedback is delivered in. Please contact our team to receive a quote based on on your needs.

Thanks for the profile, how do I get to work on my key points?

One-to-one coaching is the best option. Contact us below to be put in touch with our team of qualified coach

How can I use the profile to assess my professional goals?

From time to time, we all ask ‘why am I doing this?’ The profile encourages that internal conversation and helps you to reflect on what is really important and what your unique needs and stressors are.

How can I use the profile to help me find a job?

The profile gives you insight into using your strengths effectively and managing your weaknesses intelligently. Your preferred working environment, your motivators and your stressors are all covered, together with a look at how you handle ‘difficult’ people. All of these things are invaluable when looking at your career choices.

Getting your Insights Discovery Profile
How long does it take to complete the profile questionnaire?

The questionnaire is conducted online and consists of 25 questions, typically taking no more than 15 minutes. Discover more about Insights Discovery and the benefits of personality profiles from our blog.

How is the Insights Discovery® profile different to other personality profiles?

The Insights Discovery® profile is unique. It is the only one that gives you the opportunity to say ‘most/least’ AND grade other responses. This means that there is much greater clarity, accuracy and detail in the result. Whilst adhering strictly to the principles of Jungian psychology, the use of colours allows for greater flexibility of ‘typing’ and thereby less categorisation. The profile is also much easier to understand than many others. You do not need an understanding of psychology or have any special training in order to make sense of the profiling. It is presented in user-friendly, accessible terms with simple visuals. Most importantly, this profile values the differences in people, rather than clumps them together as ‘types’. The Discovery assessment tool is accredited by the British Psychological Society (BPS) and undergoes continuous evaluation to ensure its validity.

Direct Benefits
What are the direct business benefits of engaging The Colour Works?

All of our clients report an improvement in communication, both interally and externally. The colour model encourages a valuing of diverse behavioral styles, so one of the most obvious business benefits is the unleashing of the potential of all of your people, thereby improving decision-making, productivity, engagement and staff retention – and the list doesn’t stop there.

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