People often shy away from understanding the culture of the team as it is difficult to measure because we are all unique individuals with different needs, motivations and indeed values. To some, teamwork is meeting team objectives, to others it is trusting colleagues and to a further group it might be about clarity of purpose and others meeting the needs of their customer. An internet search suggested it was “An action taken by a group of individuals to achieve a common goal.”
The development of effective teamwork in business, and indeed within projects, is very powerful - it brings results in terms of objectives being achieved, clarity of purpose, playing to individual's strengths and building trust to achieve the project objectives. However, as mentioned, far too often project teams either invest in the wrong type of team development or indeed shy away from it completely or pay scant regard to the benefits it can realise. Why? Well quite simply, the impact that effective teamwork has is hard to measure and, in terms of the return on investment, it is almost impossible to isolate benefits as a single variable.
Research suggests that teamwork is the one sustainable competitive advantage that remains largely untapped.
Do it effectively and it can be very powerful to experience people coming together, setting aside their individual needs for the good of the whole and on occasions accomplishing what might have looked impossible on paper. It gets more done in less time with less cost and helps people find fulfilment in their work – a sense of connection and belonging.
At The Colour Works we know the power of effective teamwork, the results it can produce at individual, team and organisational level AND the dilemma organisations face in terms of how to measure it and prove their investment was worthwhile. Over the past couple of years, with the help of our clients, The Colour Works believes it has developed a solution that works, is focused and, most importantly, is able to tangibly measure the perception individuals have of their team performance.
Read up on teamwork, effective leadership, opposite type, personal branding, the art of being yourself and the chemistry of conversation